Friday, April 02, 2010

It's Friday. But Sunday's coming.

It’s Good Friday today. Friday is when we remember Christ’s sacrifice for us on the cross. We look forward to Sunday, when we celebrate His resurrection.

I was reminded early this morning of a popular old sermon of Tony Campolo’s … “It's Friday’s. But Sunday’s coming”. Friday is here. For our family, the last year or so with Eric’s illness and recovery, has been one long Friday. It has been scary, challenging and definitely faith-building.

But what a wonderful hope and a promise that Sunday is coming; that through all of the challenges the past year has presented to us, Jesus Christ, because He is alive, enabled us to walk through it with Him. I honestly don’t know how I would have survived the past year without faith in Him who is able to do all things.

It’s Friday. But Sunday’s coming.

To check out Tony Campolo's sermon, go to

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